Jon Lord - Beyond the Notes
Composer: Jon Lord, Artists: Frida Lyngstad, Sam Brown, Miller Anderson, Thijs van Leer, Pete York, Trondheim Soloists | Album: Beyond the Notes | Style: Progressive, Classic Rock | Year: 2004 | Quality: SACD (DST 5.1, DSD 2.0) | Bitrate: 1 Bit/2.8MHz | Tracks: 10 | Size: ~3.39 Gb | Recovery: 3% | Covers: in archive | Release: EMI / Capitol Records (7243 8 74181 2 7), 2004
01. Miles Away
02. De Profundis
03. One From The Meadow
04. Cologne Again
05. I’ll Send You A Postcard
06. The Sun Will Shine Again
07. A Smile When I Shook His Hand
08. November Calls
09. The Telemann Experiment
10. Music For Miriam
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